
Imagem de Poster - Mostra de Cinema


Sobre a mostra

Artwork by Guto Lacaz

This year’s Mostra celebrated Luis Buñuel’s 100th birthday with a special collection of 32 of his films shot in Spain, Mexico and France. It was also in 2000 that the Youth Festival was created. This was an initiative to make cinema more accessible to Middle and High school students. The Jury Award was given to more than one film. It was a difficult decision and the `Troféu Bandeira Paulista` was shared among Stephen Daldry for "Billy Elliot", Maria de Medeiros for "Capitaines D`Avril" and Bahman Ghobadi for “A Time for Drunken Horses”. For the second time, Guto Lacaz was responsible for the Mostra’s poster artwork.

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