
Once Upon a Time (1999)

Sobre o filme

Regarded as the "first Spanish certified Dogma movement film", this drama focuses on a group of friends in college, who ten years after completing their course in journalism, decide to meet up once again at the house of a member of the group. All seems well enough for all; however, they are gradually to show a different side to their lives. One week-end will prove more than sufficient for the best and the worst of each to emerge, unleashing conflict and discussion. Among other characters, is a writer obsessed by success, a TV presenter divided between two lovers, a gardener anarchist, and a painter in search of the emotional stability she lacks. "The Spanish Dogma films must, in their scripts, reflect the socio-cultural reality of Spain and of its people, in any of its social spheres and in the immediate present", says the manifesto, now firmly established in the Iberian Peninsula and originally from the Nordic countries.

Título original: Érase Otra Vez

Ano: 1999

Duração: 93 minutos

País: Spain

Cor: colorido


Roteiro: Juan Pinzás

Fotografia: Gerardo Moschioni, Tote Trenas

Montagem: María Lara

Elenco: Monti Castinieras, Pilar Saavedra, Vicente de Souza, Mara Sánchez, Victor Mosqueira, Isabel Vallejo

Produtor: Pilar Sueiro