
Stories of Disenchantment (2005)

Sobre o filme

He is a conceptual artist with a nebulous past, wearing a costume with bat wings; Diego is a videoartist who protects his innocence in the interior of his belly button; Ximena is a teenager living a phase of sexual awakening, and endowed with the powers of a witch. Together they are to live a mystical love story set in a kind of limbo somewhere between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries. Time does not pass, and the world is being devastated by a spell known as "Disenchantment".

Título original: Historias Del Desencanto

Ano: 2005

Duração: 120 minutos

País: Mexico

Cor: color e p&b, 35mm


Roteiro: Alejandro Valle

Fotografia: Carlos Arango

Elenco: Mario Oliver, Fabiana Perzábal, Jimena Ayala, Jorge Zárate, Teresa Rábago, Héctor Quijada

Produtor: Lorenza Manrique e Alejandro Valle