
Seven Days, Seven Nights (2003)

Sobre o filme

Three different women, during seven days and seven nights. Norma is anchor to Cuban telenews and, after she cuts her wrists in a frustrated attempt at suicide, she is interned by her mother in a psychiatric hospital. The crisis is unleashed by the fact she must, every evening, give out false news about the political regime of Fidel Castro. Meanwhile, Maria lives in the country with her girlfriend and daughter. When the child dies in dubious circumstances, the mother feels guilty and goes to Havana where she roams the streets. In the last story, Nieves is a transvestite who aspires to being a dancer in a cabaret, together with an older friend and also a transvestite. When he loses his job as a pig slaughterer, he is thrown out of the two-room family apartment by his mother and also takes to roaming the streets.

Título original: Siete Dias, Siete Noches

Ano: 2003

Duração: 106 minutos

País: Cuba

Cor: Colorido

Direção: JOEL CANO

Roteiro: Joel Cano

Fotografia: Joel Cano

Elenco: Ludimila Alonso, Alcedes Álvarez, Alcides Álvarez, Geraidi Brito

Produtor: Cyriac Auriol, Michel Reilhac, Rosanna Seregni

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