

Sobre o filme

Twenty years ago, in a paradisiac volcanic island, a ten-year old boy was separated from his sister, Raquel. Their mother, Rosa, fearing an incestuous attraction between them, choses to send her son to the continent. The boy is taken to Kaleb, a motorcycle rider who owns the Netuno circus that was touring through the island. In the continent, Kaleb teaches the boy the art and of the spirit of the circus. The boy becomes Zolah, the Bullet Man. Years later, Zolah returns to the island with the circus and meets Rosa and Raquel. Trying to rescue an interrupted past, Zolah seeks his childhood love and the courage to face his fears and anguishes.

Título original: SANGUE AZUL

Ano: 2014

Classificação: 16 years

Duração: 119 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Brazil

Cor: cor & PB

Direção: Lírio Ferreira

Roteiro: Lírio Ferreira, Sergio Oliveira, Fellipe Barbosa

Fotografia: Mauro Pinheiro Júnior

Montagem: Mair Tavares, Tina Saphira

Elenco: Daniel de Oliveira, Caroline Abras, Rômulo Braga, Sandra Coverloni

Produtor: Renato Ciasca

Produção: Drama Filmes

Música: Pupillo