

Sobre o filme

Xiaobin is 17 and unable to speak a word in Spanish, when she arrives to Argentina. However, just a few days later, she’s already given a new name, Beatriz, and a job at a Chinese supermarket. Hiding from her parents, Xiaobin starts saving money and signs up at a language school. Whatever she learns in Spanish class, she tries it out on the street. After learning the lesson ‘Setting up an appointment’ she sets up a date with Vijay, an Indian client with whom she can hardly communicate. Nevertheless, they start a secret relationship. After practicing the conditional, the tense of the hypothetical future, Xiaobin starts to think about her own future. The better her Spanish gets, the more Xiaobin intervenes in the writing of the film. The perfect future becomes a rehearsal room for the new life of Xiaobin. Winner of Best First Feature Prize at Locarno Film Festival.

Título original: EL FUTURO PERFECTO

Ano: 2016

Classificação: General Audiences

Duração: 65 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Argentina

Cor: cor


Roteiro: Nele Wohlatz

Fotografia: Roman Kasseroller, Agustina San Martín

Montagem: Ana Godoy

Elenco: Xiaobin Zhang, Saroj Kumar Malik, Mian Jiang, Dong Xi Wang, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart

Produtor: Cecilia Salim

Produção: Murillo Cine

World Sales: Murillo Cine

Distribuição: Zeta Filmes
