

Sobre o filme

Years ago, Romero, a fisherman, discovered an oil field in his village that caused his friends and neighbors to lose their way of life, and to reject him. Now retired, and haunted by his past, he sets out to reclaim the love and honor he lost decades ago after his fateful discovery.

Título original: TORMENTERO

Ano: 2017

Classificação: 16 years

Duração: 80 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Mexico, Colombia, Dominica, Dominican Republic

Cor: cor


Roteiro: Fernando del Razo, Rubén Imaz

Fotografia: Gerardo Barroso Alcalá

Montagem: Israel Cárdenas, Rubén Imaz

Elenco: José Carlos Ruiz, Gabino Rodríguez, Mónica Jiménez, Rosa Márquez, Waldo Facco

Produtor: Julio Bárcenas, Rubén Imaz, Gerylee Polanco Uribe, Oscar Ruiz Navia, Laura Amelia Guzmán, Israel Cárdenas

Produção: Axolote Cine, Contravía Films, Aurora Dominicana

Música: Galo Durán, Camilo Plaza Giraldo

World Sales: Mundial Sales
