

Sobre o filme

After a period in the hospital, Ewa goes back to ther village, where she works in a wide rose plantation. She needs to reconnect with her two children and her husband, who has spent months working abroad. But Ewa also needs to make a decision about Marcel, a high school student with whom she has an affair.

Título original: DZIKIE RÓZE

Ano: 2017

Classificação: 16 years

Duração: 97 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Poland

Tags: love relationship, parenthood, family, family drama, marital crisis

Cor: cor

Direção: Anna Jadowska

Roteiro: Anna Jadowska

Fotografia: Malgorzata Szylak

Montagem: Anna Mass

Elenco: Marta Nieradkiewicz, Michał Żurawski, Halina Rasiakówna, Konrad Skolimowski

Produtor: Roman Jarosz, Izabela Igel

Produção: Alter Ego Pictures

Música: Agnieszka Stulginska

World Sales: Antipode Sales & Distribution
