Special Screening
Inspired by the old stores that sold vinyl records, the story is set with one of these stores specialized in MPB (such as Edgar Discos, and Eric Discos), in the district of Pinheiros, in São Paulo, in the seventies, as a background. Durval and his mother Carmita have lived alone for many years at the back of the Durval Discos shop. Theirs is an anachronic, boring world. One certain day, Durval decides to hire a maid to help his mother in the household chores. A low salary is attractive enough to Célia, a strange maid who brings some joy into the home. Next day, however, Célia disappears and leaves behind a child, Kiki, age 5 with a note to the effect that she will be back in two days. Durval and Carmita are overjoyed at the child, but soon news over the television is to make them aware of the sad reality involving Kiki and Célia. As from this point, the film enters onto “Side B”, a plot of police encounters, agony, and liberation, with touches of absurdity.
Anna Muylaert
Anna Muylaert
Jacob Solitrenick
Vania Debs
Romeu Quinto, Geraldo Ribeiro, José Luiz Sasso, Pedro Sérgio
Ana Mara Abreu
Ary França, Etty Fraser, Isabela Guasco, Marisa Orth, Letícia Sabatella
Sara Silveira, Maria Ionescu
Dezenove Som e Imagens, África Filmes