Sometime between late autumn and early winter, a man returns home to a small mountain town. In his early fifties, always absent and late, having missed his brother’s funeral, he lingers on the threshold of the old house —what more can he hope for other than delay his arrival by one more night.
Presented at the ACID Cannes.
Título original: Be-Qayaam
Ano: 2024
Classificação: G
Duração: 76 min.
Gênero: Fiction
País: India
Tags: India, international festivals, solitude, mourning
Cor: cor
Direção: Maisam Ali
Roteiro: Maisam Ali
Fotografia: Ashok Meena
Montagem: Maisam Ali, Raghvender Vippuganti
Elenco: Harish Khanna
Produtor: Saroj Kherotia, Thanikachalam SA, Maisam Ali
Produção: Varsha Productions, Barycenter Films