

Sobre o filme

Film inspired in the life of João Francisco dos Santos (1900-1976). A good-for-nothing, artist, transformist, cook, prison inmate and adopted father to seven children, he spent most of his life in the streets of Rio as a bohemian. The story unfolds in Lapa, in 1932, when João Francisco’s dream —to be a star on the stage— becomes reality. The film portrays his and his circle of friends’ day-to-day life and focuses on a crucial moment in his life, immediately prior to the advent of Madam Satan, a name taken from a film by Cecil B. de Mille, of 1930, a character with which João has fallen in love. Winner of the Special Jury Prize for best actor for Lázaro Ramos at the 26th Mostra.

Título original: MADAME SATÃ

Ano: 2002

Classificação: 16 years

Duração: 105 min

Gênero: Fiction

País: Brazil

Tags: Brazil, LGBT, parenthood, love relationship, awarded films

Cor: cor

Direção: Karim Aïnouz

Roteiro: Karim Aïnouz

Fotografia: Walter Carvalho

Montagem: Isabela Monteiro de Castro

Elenco: Lázaro Ramos, Marcélia Cartaxo, Flavio Bauraqui, Fellipe Marques

Produtor: Isabel Diegues, Walter Salles, Mauricio Andrade Ramos, Donald Ranvaud, Juliette Renaud, Marc Beauchamps, Vincent Maraval

Produção: Video Filmes Produções Artísticas, Wild Bunch, Lumiere; Dominant 7, Studio Canal

Música: Sacha Amback, Marcos Suzano